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Espaciosidad: Evite las 8 trampas que consumen nuestro margen de tiempo

Evite las 8 trampas que consumen nuestro margen de tiempo

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Evaluación Personal


Seven Ways to Measure Transformation in Your Church

Posted on September 30th, 2014

We measure our attendance and our giving in our churches. Sadly, we don’t measure people’s transformation in Christ. (This is much more difficult).

Genuine transformation takes place when people:

  1. Intentionally develop their own relationship with Jesus and do not live off the spirituality of others.
  2. Seek to discern and follow God’s will in all areas of life.
  3. Cultivate a deliberate rhythm and sustainable pace of life that enables them to be consistently attentive to Jesus.
  4. Grow in their ability to love well, evidenced by humility, vulnerability, approachability, and an increasing capacity to forgive.
  5. Live in community for the sake of their own formation and others.
  6. Bear witness to Jesus Christ in their workplaces and homes out of their own on-going transformation.
  7. Serve and give to others out of the overflow of their life in Christ.

This is my short list. What other markers might you add?


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